Behind The Scenes: Outthinkers Podcast #117
Min Jung: A Neuroscientist's Insights into Unleashing Creativity
Min Jung is a vice director of the Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions at the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea and a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He is also the author of A Brain for Innovation: The Neuroscience of Imagination and Abstract Thinking.
Min’s work gives us scientific insights into the actual foundation working of the brain, specifically how the brain generates innovative ideas. Min believes that everyone has an ability to be creative.
In this discussion, we dive deep into topics from his book, A Brain for Innovation: The Neuroscience of Imagination and Abstract Thinking seeking to uncover what it takes to do just that.
In this episode, Min shares with us:
The many complex, dynamic brain networks and how they function and interact in order to create abstract thinking and creativity
His concept of the "3 B's" of creativity, the three states that provide space for innovative ideas to emerge in your brain
How organizations can foster environments that facilitate creativity
The fascinating critical part “place cells,” neurons in the hippocampus, can play in shaping how we think, remember, organize, and enable organizational transformation